Friday, August 10, 2007

Ready or Not...

My techy friend once wrote to me, 'I hear that one of the best periods in life is between engagement and marriage. So, have fun! Let me know when you are ready for the marriage.' Tomorrow it will be 5 months since my fiancé and I met each other.

My friend, or whoever he heard that from, is right. The timeframe between engagement and marriage was indeed a lot of fun. Amidst servlets, struts, tiles and JSPs, we managed to meet each other almost once a month even though we stayed in different cities. We met sometimes at her place and sometimes at mine. We went to serene mathas (a Hindu monastery sort of thing), restaurants, took a long walks, did some shopping together, then got engaged, went out together to many places and thoroughly enjoyed each time we met. Now in another few days we will be married! Is this kind of fun time already over? It does continue to be more fun, right? Am I ready yet? Well, in another 15 days, August 26th will come saying, 'ready or not... here I come!'.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Secret

We have a secret, just we three,
The robin & I & the sweet cherry tree;

The bird told the tree & the tree told me;
And nobody knows it but just us three.

But of course, the robin knows it best,
Because he built the ____ I can't tell the rest;

And laid the four little - something in it -
I'm afraid, I shall tell it, every minute!

But if the tree & robin don't peep,
I will try my best the secret to keep;

Though I know when the little birds fly about,
Then the whole secret will be out.

- Author unknown (to me, that is)